Tips: Multiple Ping Test IP Addresses in SameTime

Free Ping Tool: With the help of this Online Ping Tool you can Ping test IP addresses multiply at the same time. So, how to ping an IP or many can be easily done with a free Online Ping Tool. IT people who want to learn how to Ping Test IP multiply in Same-time have a look at the below tricks. What do we do to ping more than one IP together? We all simply open the command prompts and start pinging to all IPs.

Here we’ll show you how to ping and easily monitor network devices on a single (one) screen with help of the free tool.


How to Multiple Ping Test IP Addresses at the Same Time

Type the following commands in the command prompt (It’ll help you to ping the test IP address serially to the destination).

Ping -t (-t = switch to ping serially).

Ping -t 

Have a look at the example below –

Online Ping Tool to Ping Multiple IPs at the Same time

Ping Multiple IP in Same time

In the above image, you can get the way of pinging and monitoring more than 3 network clients at the same time. The people who are thinking of monitoring more than 10 clients at a time with a command prompt, can guess the number of the command prompt to be opened. We are suggesting a free tool to ping many IPs together and the name is – ‘FREEping‘. Have a look at the example below where we are monitoring more than 10 IP addresses and network hosts same time with the help of FREEping. This tool provides separate status for each pinged device.

Multiple Ping Test IP Addresses

Check your ping

The best benefit of having this tool is “Now multiple IP addresses can be ping and monitor not only in the same network but different networks too”.

Steps before going to start mismatched network monitoring =>

  • Routing and Permissions Check = Make sure can your network is able to communicate with different networks?
  • Green indicates = Make sure your host is alive(online) and ready to communicate.
  • Red indicates = The host is not ready to communicate. Click on the error to see the reason for ‘Error’.
  • Orange indicates = The host is on the way to starting the communication. It’ll turn green after some time.

Steps to Add Network Devices to FREEping

Follow the steps below to add networks devices to FREEping and monitor.

Step-1) Open FREEping tool page => Click on the Host icon (Which is left side on top) or Host and Add.

Multiple Ping Test IP Addresses in SameTime

Step-2) Now you’ll see a “Ping Data” page on your Screen fill it up, as =>

Host = Enter IP address.

Description = Give a description of the Host IP.

Packet Size = By default it is 32bytes but you can increase it to check the stability of the network.

Free Online Ping Tool

Ping Test IP Addresses: Multiple Ping Test IP Addresses

In the Popup message (located on the bottom) option is given to set the destination and message. If you set it’ll pop up at the time any host becomes unavailable. The FREEping help can tell you more about it.

Now, give a simple click on OK to complete adding. Enjoy the monitoring of the new Host.

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